Dog Training for DUMMIES

If you’re a dog owner who wants to know what your dog is thinking at every moment and why your dog behaves they way the do then I have found the perfect book for you!

The best dog training manual I have had the opportunity to read so far. It offers step by step, how to, tips and straight to the point advice to help you get the best out of your dog. Most importantly it provides explanations and scenarios from a dogs point of view to help you clearly understand just why ‘Buddy’ behaves the way he does.

This book also has a pull out cheat sheet which has basic dog training tips on one side and the do’s and don’ts of dog training on the other for when you need a quick reference.

It is packed with useful information but is straight to the point and easy for anyone to understand and has chapters on everything ranging from puppy hood through to competition dog training.

Best of all, you don’t have to read it from front to back to learn the most useful information. It has been designed with topic specific chapters so that you can jump in and out of the text as you like and need.

An extremely helpful source when trying to get a grasp on the sometimes more frustrating than fun task of dog training.

A word from the authors, Jack and Wendy Volhard –

Every one of our dogs has been more of a teacher than a pupil, and we have discovered much more from our dogs than we could ever have hoped to teach them. This book is our attempt to pass on to you what our dogs have taught us. A well trained dog is the result of education, more yours than your dog’s. When you understand your dog, you can achieve a mutually rewarding relationship. Each one is an individual, and in their differences lies the challenge.

Buy it here

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  1. Pingback: WIN yourself a copy of Dog Training for DUMMIES | Active Dogz·

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